Focus Mp3 Recorder Pro egy all-in-one stúdióban audio felvétel, vágás, hasítás, csatlakozik, konvertáló, CD égő funkciók.
A Focus Mp3 Recorder Pro rögzíthet hang mikrofon(Skype), line-in eszközök(mint például a kazettás magnó, LP játékos), audio streaming az Internetről, illetve a zene által játszott Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quick Time Player, Real Player, Power DVD, Flash, játékok, stb.
Támogatja a négy legnépszerűbb formátumokat (WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG) termel HD minőségű felvétel.
A gyorsbillentyűk, illetve ütemezési beállítások lehetővé teszik, hogy kezelni auto start/stop a felvétel. A gyorsbillentyűk, még bejegyzés alatt lejátszott játékok, skype hangok, internet rádió, nézni, online videó, vagy élvezi a zenét. A menetrendek lehet beállítani, amennyit csak akarsz.
A program 5 díjat kapott
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9.3 MB
I bought the Focus MP3 Recorder Pro in January 2014. From the beginning the splitter and the joiner do not work. I sent several messages to the Support about it but I did not receive any answer from it. My System configuration is CPU: i5 4440 at 3.10 GHz RAM: 8 GB OS: Windows 8.1, 64 bits DISK SPACE: 1 TB Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7000 series Audio: AMD High Definition Audio Device IDT High Definition Audio CODEC Problem Description: Splitter The slider does not go forward when clicking for playing a sound file from where my splitting is located On the Splitter Interface, after having selected a file, I drag the slider to locate my splitting. When clicking "Play", the slider does not go forward. On the contrary, it goes back to the beginning of the sound file and starts to play. In the same way, I drag the slider to a certain location with "Goto", and when clicking "Play", the slider does not go forward. On the contrary, it goes back to the beginning of the sound file and starts to play. So, It is not possible to use the Splitter function because it is not working appropriately. I tested this version Pro 5.0 on a PC with Windows XP (32 bits), and on a PC with Windows 7 (64 bits) and the problem with Splitter was the same. However, I have the Focus MP3 Recorder V3.2 on a PC with Windows XP (32 bits) and there is no problem with Splitter. I have this version from 2007. Also, on the Splitter Interface when I click the Help Tab, it does not work. The Help Tab works on the others interfaces.Problem Description: Joiner I select the files to join. I click start merge. A message appear that the merge has finished. I go to the folder and the file merged has failed. It has a size of 1 Kb. In summary the Joiner does not work.In summary, the Splitter and the Joiner (Focus Mp3 Recorder Pro do not work.
good use